Buchenau Oct. 19 Event

“The Power of North American Urban Textures (As Seen from a Large European Postmetropolis)”

On Monday, October 19 at 5:00pm-6:30pm in the Sankey Room (South Hall 2623).

Dr. Buchenau’s past work has explored the “so-called ‘postracial turn’ in recent North American writings, the diverse forms of literary and cultural transfers and exchanges informing literary production in North America, and the cultural and political work of stereotypical and typological representations of minority groups in texts, maps and visual art.”

Dr. Buchenau is also one of the directors of the Research Training Group “City Scripts: Condensation, Inversion, and Assemblage in North American Urbanity,” which focuses on “systematic insights into how textual and historical processes have operated in North American scenarios of (de)urbanization and thus have also impacted global developments and phenomena.”