
Selected Bibliographies and Reading Lists

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Digital Archives

Journals and Special Issues

  • American Literature 78.4 (2006). You may access the Table of Contents and PDFs of articles here.
  • Review of International American Studies (2006) (not solely dedicated to Hemispheric but figures prominently)
  • Comparative American Studies (2002)
  •   Fox, Claire F. “Commentary: The Transnational Turn and the Hemispheric Return.” American Literary History 18.3  (2006): 638–47. Print.
  • ———. ed. Critical Perspectives and Emerging Models of Inter-American Studies. Spec. issue of Comparative American Studies 3.4 (2005): 387–515. Print.
  • Kadir, Djelal, ed. America: The Idea, the Literature. Spec. issue of PMLA 118.1 (2003): 1–208. Print.
  • Moya, Paula, and Ramón Saldívar, eds. Fictions of the Trans-American Imaginary. Spec. issue of Modern Fiction Studies 49.1 (2003): 1–180. Print.
  • Shukla, Sandhya, and Heidi Tinsman. Our Americas: Po­litical and Cultural Imaginings. Spec. issue of Radical History Review 89 (2004): 1–250. Print.
  • Levander, Caroline F., and Robert S. Levine, eds. Hemi­spheric American Literary History. Spec. issue of Amer­ican Literary History 18.3 (2006): 397–656. Print.
  • ———. eds. Hemispheric American Studies. New Bruns­wick: Rutgers UP, 2007. Print.


Book Series

  • Caroline Levander and Anthony Pinn new Oxford Series: Imagining the Americas

Literary Anthologies

  • Castillo, Susan, and Ivy Schweitzer, eds. The Literatures of Colonial America. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001. Print.
  • Bauer, Ralph, and Jay Parini. The Colonial Americas. Boston: Thomson, 2008. Print.

University Based Studies Program


  • Reflections on the Future: Hemispheric Dia­logues on the Intersections of Latina/o-Chicana/o-Latin American(s) Studies, UC Santa Cruz, 20–21 Feb. 2004
  • In Comparable Americas: Colonial Studies after the Hemispheric Turn, Newberry Lib. (Chicago), 30 Apr. 2004 and Univ. of Chicago, 1 May 2004
  •  Early Ibero/ Anglo Americanist Summit, held in Tucson in 2002, in Providence in 2004, and in Saint Augustine in 2010


  • 2007 National Endowment for the Hu­manities seminar Hemispheric American Literature (dir. Adams and Levander) set out “to explore the new possibili­ties for American literary study opened up when ‘America’ is understood not as a synonym for the isolated United States, but as a network of cultural filiations that have ex­tended across the hemisphere from the period of coloniza­tion to the present” (Hemispheric American Literature).

Professional Organizations


Updated by Alison Reed (2013)